The interfaces in the price range of the scarlett probably won't play a significant factor in decreasing the latency. Your computer may have trouble keeping up, and you will have to increase the latency in your settings to prevent dropouts. You will be able to hear yourself playing with no latency during recording, but won't be hearing the final tone that your DAW will be producing with the plugins.ĮDIT: Referring back to latency with software plugins, this issue is highly dependant on the processing power of your computer. It may not be very noticeable in an empty recording project, but as you record more tracks, and use more software instruments and plugins, your computer may have trouble keeping up, and the latency will become more and more noticeable.ĮDIT: After clarification in the comments, you can still monitor the dry signal of the guitar through the direct monitoring feature.
Using a software amp will introduce a degree of latency.